Parent Support Hub

Please browse below to find details of support & services for young people and families.

Just One Number & Parentline

Our Healthy Child Programme team can help you by providing health advice and information about your baby, child or young person. They are able to support you over the telephone, video call or text. Just call 0300 300 0123 or text 07520 631590 with any questions or concerns about your child’s health, wellbeing or development.

This service is available from Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. The phone line can get very busy sometimes but you can leave a voicemail with your details, and a member of the team will call you back as soon as possible.

Parentline 07520 631590

Parentline is our text service for parents/carers to get in touch about any parenting questions or concerns.

You might find it hard to call in to Just One Number during opening hours, or you may just prefer to chat by text with a health professional.

If you need advice about your child or young person’s health or wellbeing, simply send a text and one of our team will text you back.

You can text at anytime on 07520 631590. A health professional from the 0-19 team will reply during our opening times. You can have the whole conversation by text if that works best for you, or the practitioner can call you.

ChatHealth is a secure and confidential text messaging service for young people. It allows patients to easily and anonymously get in touch with a healthcare professional for advice and support. 07480 635060

Young Minds are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health. Whether they need a reassuring conversation, specialist mental health support, or simply the knowledge that they are not alone in how they are feeling, we will make sure that all young people get the support that meets their needs, as quickly as possible.

Parents Helpline Call our Parents Helpline for detailed advice, emotional support and signposting about a child or young person up to the age of 25.

Call us for free on 0808 802 5544 from 9:30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Kooth offers emotional and mental health support online for children and young people aged between 11 – 24 years and is available up to 10pm every day

Ormiston Families. We take early and preventative action to support families to be safe, healthy and resilient: all our services help people to build stronger networks, learn from experience and feel in control of their own wellbeing.

We work with families affected by offending, mental health & wellbeing and we provide a growing range of innovative, emotional, physical and social wellbeing services within the East of England’s local communities .

 Tel: 01473 724517         Email: [email protected] 

MAP 11-25? In Norfolk? Get free & confidential support, info & advice. Get involved in activities & making social change. Our advisers, counsellors, youth workers and other professionals work together to provide the best support we can, in a way that makes sense to you.Tel: 01603 766994

Wellbeing Norfolk & Waveney provide a range of support for people with common mental health and emotional issues, such as low mood, depression or stress. We work with you to help you make the necessary changes to improve your wellbeing and quality of life.

Our services are free and are available to people aged 16 and over living in Norfolk & Waveney.

Tel: 0300 123 1503

Norfolk LGBT+ Project’s continued mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBT+ people of all ages and communities in Norfolk and Waveney. We want to bring supportive, empowering and non-judgemental services to people’s lives to enable them to improve their wellbeing. We also aim to assist others in providing support to LGBT+ communities through our informative services, educational tools and resources.

Tel: 01603 219299   Email:  [email protected]

At Norfolk and Waveney Mind we are committed to being a safe and welcoming place for LGBTQ+ people. The website offers a signposting service to agencies who can support you. Tel: 03003300630

Leeway. Domestic abuse goes beyond violent behaviour and physical abuse. It also includes any type of sexual, psychological and financial abuse and is about a range of coercive and controlling behaviours. It also includes ‘honour based violence’, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriages. Domestic abuse can happen in any relationship – regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or social class or income. If someone is forced into changing their behaviour to satisfy their partner, it is possible that they are being abused.

0300 561 0077
Email: [email protected]

Refuge Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour on the part of the abuser designed to control his partner. It can happen at any point in a relationship, including after you have split up.

The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you. Important update: We’re working a little differently because of coronavirus. But you can still speak to a counsellor every day from 7:30am – 3:30am.

NSPCC. Our services help children who’ve been abused, protect children at risk and find the best ways to prevent child abuse from ever happening.

As part of our fight for every childhood, we work directly with children and families in our service centres across the UK and Channel Islands and give support to thousands of adults and young people in need through the NSPCC helpline and Childline.

Every child should feel safe from harm

Whether in the home, at school, online or in the local community, we support children and young people who have been abused and help them feel safe again. And we reach out to children at risk of harm, giving them the long-term support they need.

Every child should grow up feeling loved and supported

We provide a range of services to help and support families across the UK, working with organisations and professionals so that children get the best start in life.

Action for Children. We protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support. We ensure their voices are heard, and campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives.

Samaritans. We offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. We won’t judge you or tell you what to do, we’ll listen to you.

Norfolk Police. We are committed to keeping children safe. Our staff and officers will look at every opportunity to protect children who are at risk. We work closely with our partners to investigate all levels of child abuse and make sure all children are safe from harm. If you are concerned that you or someone you know may be being abused please tell someone. If you think a child is in immediate danger contact us straight away by calling 999

The Rose Project. Since 2007, our dedicated team – consisting of CSE (Child sexual exploitation) & therapeutic practitioners & outreach worker – continues to provide a range of specialist services to young people who are affected by child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Norfolk.

Intensive 1-1 support to young people who have been harmed by child sexual exploitation.

Preventative, early intervention services, including drop ins and group work around raising awareness about issues that affect and harm young people. This can include grooming online and offline, sexting, sexual exploitation, healthy/unhealthy relationships, sexual health, consent and more.
Tel: 08088001037 Rose Project | The Magdalene Group

Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried. Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep your child safe from sexual abuse.

PINK Orange is working in partnership with Norfolk County Council to provide our ingredient kits for households with children across Norfolk that need little support this Winter .

Targeted to children, our easy to follow recipes inspire young people to learn about ingredients and how to cook them to make meals for the whole family. Our boxes are more than just food – they educate and deliver life skills for the future.

Would you like to receive one of our FREE household meal kits this Winter?

DIAL GREAT YARMOUTH To improve the quality of life for people in the Borough of Great Yarmouth and surrounding areas through the provision of financial and personal advice and guidance with expertise in disability matters.

Tel: 01493 856900  Email: [email protected]

Nelson’s Journey supports children and young people in Norfolk who’ve experienced the death of a significant person. We provide a range of resources and services, and accept referrals from families and professionals for those who may need our support.

[email protected]  Tel:01603 431788

Cruse Bereavement Care offers sympathetic, compassionate and confidential support by selected, highly trained volunteers. After a death we are here to talk to you and pass on useful information which may be of help. We can offer one to one support to those who still need help further down the line. However long ago the bereavement, we may be able to help.
Tel: 01603 219977  [email protected]

The Matthew Project Our work focuses on reducing drug and/or alcohol misuse with young people under 18, providing support for both young people and adults in recovery, and improving individuals’ mental wellbeing.
Tel: 0845 868 8172  [email protected]

We’re here to support people living in Norfolk.

Change Grow Live (CGL). We can help you break free from harmful patterns of behaviour and feel happier and healthier. We tailor the drug and alcohol support we offer to fit your needs. Whether it’s one to one working or group sessions, we will help you work towards your goals. We want you to unlock your full potential.Our services include medical treatment. This might include substitute prescribing or medication that helps prevent relapse.We have needle exchanges where you can find harm reduction advice. There is also blood-borne virus testing, naloxone training and access to other services.
Tel: 01603 514096   [email protected]

County Lines

County Lines is where illegal drugs are transported from one area to another, often across police and local authority boundaries (although not exclusively), usually by children or vulnerable people who are coerced into it by gangs. The ‘County Line’ is the mobile phone line used to take the orders of drugs. Importing areas (areas where the drugs are taken to) are reporting increased levels of violence and weapons-related crimes as a result of this trend.

If you are a young person who is worried about your involvement, or a friend’s involvement in county lines. A good option is to speak to an adult you trust and talk to them about your concerns. You can also call Childline on 0800 1111. (see previous page) Childline is private and confidential service where you can talk to specially trained counsellors about anything that is worrying you. The best advice is to trust your instincts. Even if someone isn’t involved in county lines drug dealing, they may be being exploited in some other way, so it’s always worth speaking out.

You can speak to your local police by dialling 101, or in an emergency999. If you would rather remain anonymous, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please click here to find help with drug and alcohol in the Gt Yarmouth area

Norfolk SEND Partnership. We provide free and impartial information, advice and support about special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) for children, young people and carers. Part of their website allows signposting to other agencies, who can also offer support (some are listed below).

Tel: 01603704070 Email: [email protected]

Shine. We provide the highest quality, expert care in a fun welcoming environment. Children and young people come to Shine to try new experiences and enjoy


Tel: 01493661000  Email:[email protected]

Autism Anglia is an independent charity that provides care and support to autistic children, adults, and their families in East Anglia.

Services in Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk, managed from offices in Colchester and Dereham, offer personalised approaches that provide each individual with the necessary skills and strategies to enable them to realise their own strengths and abilities
Tel: 01206 577678

ASD Helping Hands will support all service users affected by an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) regardless of age or what stage of life they are at. We aim to offer guidance, practical advice and support whether you are personally affected or you are an associated family member, carer, friend or professional. We will actively champion the rights of all people affected by an ASD and aim to make a positive difference to their lives while delivering a service that is accessible, reliable and trustworthy.”

Tel: 01362288110      Email:     [email protected]         

ADHD Norfolk recognises ADHD/ADD as a complex but easily treatable  condition, which can have a profound effect on individuals, families, schools and society. We aim to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding ADHD, whilst providing support and advice for anyone affected by ADHD/ADD in Norfolk.

Tel: 01263 734808  Email:  [email protected]