
Behaviour for learning is crucial and underpins everything we do here at Flegg High Ormiston Academy.

It is an integral part of teaching and learning and contributes highly to school improvement, higher attainment, higher achievement, a happier and safer environment and the well-being of all.

Flegg High Ormiston Academy strives to be an outstanding academy therefore students’ consistently thoughtful behaviour should be an outstanding factor in their successful learning and help to create an extremely positive school ethos.

The ‘HEART’ of Flegg

The academy’s approach to creating high standards of behaviour in lessons is known as the ‘HEART’ of Flegg which is our positive tool to help develop ‘Behaviour for Learning.

H – High expectations
E –  Effort
A – Active Listening
R – Respect
T – Teamwork

It is made clear to students that their behaviour should not negatively impact on the learning of others, and that if it does, ‘HEART’ positive behaviours are not being demonstrated. 

Students who behave in a manner that disturbs learning and do not show respect for it are issued a clear warning.  This makes it clear to the student that their behaviour must improve.  If learning continues to be disturbed by the same student, they are removed to work in an alternative teaching room and issued a sanction.

Students should be highly considerate and very supportive of each other in and out of lessons. Behaviour for all groups around the academy is expected to be exemplary and students should encourage others to conduct themselves well.

Outstanding behaviour in all aspects of academy life is necessary. We seek to create a positive, caring, learning environment in the academy by:

  • Promoting outstanding behaviour and discipline
  • Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline and regard for authority
  • Promoting relationships based on mutual respect
  • Ensuring fairness of treatment for all
  • Encouraging consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour
  • Promoting early intervention
  • Providing a safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment
  • Encouraging a positive relationship with parents and carers to develop a shared approach to behaviour management

We also recognise the importance of rewarding learners for positive behaviour and outcomes.  

The rewards we use include:  HEART achievement points, Kindness achievement points, issuing of certificates and postcards, praise phone calls home, Principal’s breakfast and celebration events such as assemblies.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones play an important part in modern life, and we believe they have a role in helping to keep students safe on the journeys to and from the academy, and, when appropriate, to support learning.  However, they can also create challenges such as disruptions to learning and cyber-bullying.  Mobile phones / electronic devices should not be used within the academy unless a teacher gives students the permission to use them as a learning tool. The academy operates a “never seen, never heard” approach. Should a phone be seen or heard, the student will receive a sanction and the device will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. If a phone is confiscated for a third time in a half term, parents / carers will be invited in to discuss our expectations relating to the use of mobile phones/electronic devices within the academy.


Students are allowed 1 stud earing per ear. No other jewellery is permitted, this includes
hoop earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces or any other jewellery items. Students may wear
a watch. Body modifications or piercings including tongue and belly button piercings are
not allowed and students will be placed into Ready to Learn until this is rectified.