
We believe that every school day counts and we are committed to providing the best education possible for ALL pupils. It is vital therefore, that pupils need to attend regularly and punctually throughout the school year, and that you keep us informed of the reasons for any absence, providing evidence if required.

At Flegg High Ormiston Academy we believe every student should aim for attendance that is above 95%, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Good attendance is vital in supporting your child’s progress, and statistics show that even 90% attendance can have a negative impact on achievement. If a child has attendance below 90% they are classed as persistently absent.

The school rewards outstanding attendance through issuing certificates for 100% attendance on at least a termly basis.

In order for Flegg High Ormiston Academy to support your child’s attendance you may be invited to attend an attendance support panel meeting with your child’s head of house should absence fall below 97%. This will aim to address any immediate concerns by the attendance team and could result in the need to provide medical evidence where possible for further absences. If attendance is below 90% this may result in further actions depending on whether absences have been authorised. We are prepared to follow the law regarding non-attendance if necessary.

If you intend to take a holiday during term time, please be aware that the Academy’s policy is that this will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.  For any leave of absence, please ensure you complete and hand in a leave of absence form. Please download this form from the link below or contact the school if you would like a paper copy. 

Attendance works best where there is a partnership between home and school. If you wish for further clarification, information or to discuss your child’s absence, call the school and ask for the school attendance administrator Mrs K Dyball or email [email protected].