Equality Statement

Equality Information & Objectives

2023 – 2024
Promoting equality and community cohesion at Flegg High Ormiston Academy

At Flegg High Ormiston Academy we have a strong commitment to fairness and equality in everything that we do.

• We try to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.
• We work hard to make sure that the academy is a safe and secure environment for everyone.
• We recognise that people have different needs, and we understand that treating people equally does not always involve treating them all exactly the same.
• We recognise that for some student’s extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.
• We try to make sure that people from different groups are consulted and involved in our decisions, for example through talking to students and parents/carers, and through our Student Voice.
 • We aim to make sure that no-one experiences harassment, less favourable treatment, or discrimination because of their age; any disability they may have; their ethnicity, colour or national origin; their gender; their gender identity or reassignment; their marital or civil partnership status; being pregnant or having recently had a baby; their religion or beliefs; their sexual identity and orientation.

We welcome our general duty under the Equality Act 2010 to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination; to advance equality of opportunity; and to foster good relations.

We also welcome our specific duties to publish information about our academy population; to explain how we have due regard for equality; and to publish equality objectives which show how we plan to tackle particular inequalities or disadvantages.

We welcome the emphasis in the Ofsted inspection framework on the importance of narrowing gaps in achievement which affect, amongst others:

• Students from certain ethnic and cultural backgrounds
• Students who are supported by the student premium
• Students who are disabled
• Students who have special educational needs
• Boys in certain subjects, and girls in certain other subjects

For more information about our work on equalities at Flegg High Ormiston Academy please contact:

Tom Pull (Assistant Principal – Designated Safeguarding Lead) [email protected]
Jane Bennett (Principal) [email protected]

Part 1: Information about the student population

Number of students on roll at the academy (as of summer census) – 747

Information on students by protected characteristics.

The Equality Act protects people from discrimination on the basis of ‘protected characteristics. Every person has several of the protected characteristics, so the Act protects everyone against unfair treatment. The protected characteristics are disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race (ethnicity), religion and belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation.


The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as when a person has a ‘physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’

Number of students with disabilities 138

There are students at our academy with different types of disabilities and these include:

• Hearing disabilities
• Physical disabilities
• Communication disabilities
• Autism
• Dyslexia

Ethnicity and Race

 Percentage (5) of academy population Percentage (5) of academy population
British676 (90.5%)African1 (0.1%)
Irish Caribbean 
Other white background9 (1.2%)Other Black background 
  Other Ethic Background 
Bangladeshi1 (0.1%)Mixed White and Asian9 (1.2%)
Chinese3 (0.4%)Mixed White and Black Caribbean7 (0.9%)
Indian Mixed White and African 
Pakistani1 (0.1%)Other Mixed background14 (1.8%)
Other Asian  6 (0.8%)  

Student Special Educational Needs (SEND) Provision

 Number of studentsPercentage (%) of academy population
No Special Educational Need60981.5%
SEN Support11915.9%



Religion and Belief

 Percentage (5) of academy population
Christian130 (17.4%)
Muslim1 (0.1%)
No Religion117 (15.7%)
Other Religion3 (0.4%)
Information not provided, unknown or refused494 (66.1%)

Sexual Orientation

• We do not collect data on the sexual orientation of our students.
• We are aware that there may be a number of equality issues for gay, lesbian and bisexual young people. We take seriously any incidents of homophobic bullying and use of homophobic language.
• We do record incidents regarding sexual discrimination or homophobic bullying and report these to Governors on a termly basis.
• Our behaviour policy promotes safety for all groups of students, regardless of sexuality.
• We support students to develop the skills to be confident learners and accepting of one another’s lifestyles and beliefs, through the PSHE curriculum and the setting up of meetings for those who wish to share or find out about different sexual orientations and gender reassignment.
• We do not collect data on students who are planning to undergo, who are undergoing or who have undergone gender reassignment.
• Although it is rare for students to undergo a process of gender reassignment, when this happens it will always be managed with care and sensitivity.
• We recognise that people who are undergoing a process to reassign their gender may experience discrimination and harassment.
• Our behaviour policy promotes safety for all groups of students, regardless of gender identity.
• We will always tackle any incidents of transgender bullying whether these are directed at students, teachers and other members of staff, parents and carers, or transgender people in the community.

The Public Sector Equality Duty

• We are aware that under the Equality Act 2010 it is unlawful to discriminate, harass and victimise a person because of their age, sex, race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity or sexual orientation.
• Our governing body receives training on the Equality Act 2010.
• We try to keep an accurate record, when possible and appropriate, of the protected characteristics of our students and employees.
• Our behaviour policy and HEART expectations set out the standards of behaviour we expect from all students, including respect for others.
• We have an academy behaviour policy that includes the need for the academy to act upon bullying of all types and forms.
• We deal promptly and effectively with all incidents and complaints of bullying and harassment that may include cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying related to disability or special educational need, ethnicity and race, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, religion and belief and sexual orientation. We keep a record of all such incidents and notify those affected of what action we have taken. We provide training to all staff in relation to dealing with bullying and harassment incidents.
• We have a special educational needs policy that outlines the provision the academy makes for students with disabilities and special educational needs.
• Our Accessibility Plan increases the extent to which all students can participate in the curriculum, improves the physical environment of the academy, and increases the availability of accessible information to disabled students.
• Our admission arrangements provide opportunity to identify and to support any student who has a protected characteristic.
• Our complaints procedure sets out how we deal with any complaints relating to the academy.
• We aim to observe and implement the principles of equal opportunities and nondiscrimination in our employment practices.
• We have procedures for addressing staff discipline, conduct and grievances.
• We have a staff code of conduct that sets out the standards of professional behaviour expected from all members of staff.

Disability How we advance equality of opportunity:

• We support disabled learners and staff by meeting their individual needs.
• We take reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled students are not put at a disadvantage compared to other students.
• We will ensure that there is consultation with disabled learners, their families and disabled staff in the changes and improvements we make and consult them on issues affecting them, rather than relying on people acting on their behalf.
• We carry out accessibility planning for disabled students that increases the extent to which they can participate in the curriculum, improves the physical environment of the academy, and increases the availability of accessible information to disabled students.

How we foster good relations and promote students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development:

• The academy is proud to have a very strong planned SMSC.
• We enable all students to learn about the experiences of disabled people and the discriminatory attitudes they often experience.
• We take part in events that celebrate the lives of disabled people and promote equality.
• We ensure that the curriculum has positive images of disabled people.
• The academy tackles bullying or harassment on the basis of special education need or disability.
• We tackle prejudice and any incidents of bullying based on disability.

Ethnicity and race (including EAL learners) How we advance equality of opportunity:

• We monitor the attainment and progress of all our students by ethnicity.
• We set targets to improve the attainment and progression rates of particular groups of students.
• We identify and address barriers to the participation of particular groups in learning and other activities.
• We track the motivation and engagement in learning of particular groups.
• We involve parents, carers and families in initiatives and interventions to improve outcomes for particular groups.
• Where possible, we link with groups, organisations and projects in the local, national and international community to provide a greater appreciation of cultures, languages, and religion to foster harmony and tolerance of one and another.

How we foster good relations and promote students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development:

• The academy is proud to have a very strong planned SMSC.
• We provide all students with opportunities to learn about the experiences and achievements of different communities and cultures.
• We ensure that the curriculum challenges racism and stereotypes.
• We organise celebrations and special events such as a European Languages Day.
• We take part in events such as Black History Month.
• The curriculum is supported by resources that provide positive images that reflect the diverse communities of modern Britain.
• The academy has a clear policy outlined on our website, to students and staff of our intolerance of bullying or harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity and culture. The policy outlines our procedures and measures to ensure that the victim and the bully are dealt with appropriately and clear steps to monitor the situation after the matter has been reported and dealt with.

Gender How we advance equality of opportunity:

• We monitor the attainment of all our students by gender.
• We take a “Which boys? Which girls?” approach to address underachievement: neither boys nor girls are treated as homogeneous groups.
• We set targets to improve the attainment and rates of progress of particular groups of boys and girls.
• We are identifying and addressing barriers to the participation of boys and girls in activities.
• We ensure that gender stereotypes in subject choices, careers advice and work/university experience are avoided.
• We ensure that young people have access to information about different sector workplace and occupations to challenge outdated images and ideas about careers and employment.
• Parents, carers, and families are given opportunities to contribute to the development, delivery and evaluation of the academy’s gender equality initiatives.
• Both male and female parents and carers are encouraged to be involved in the work of the academy and contribute to their children’s learning and progress.

How we foster good relations and promote students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development:

• The academy is proud to have a very strong planned SMSC.
• We ensure we respond to any sexist bullying or sexual harassment in line with the academy policies.
 • We encourage students to develop an understanding of the experiences of different genders in society and challenge sexism and negative stereotypes.
• Ensuring the inclusion of positive, non-stereotypical images of women and men, girls, and boys across the curriculum.

Ethnicity and race (including EAL learners) How we advance equality of opportunity:

• We monitor the attainment and progress of all our students by ethnicity.
• We set targets to improve the attainment and progression rates of particular groups of students.
• We identify and address barriers to the participation of particular groups in learning and other activities.
• We track the motivation and engagement in learning of particular groups.
• We involve parents, carers and families in initiatives and interventions to improve outcomes for particular groups.
• Where possible, we link with groups, organisations and projects in the local, national and international community to provide a greater appreciation of cultures, languages, and religion to foster harmony and tolerance of one and another.

How we foster good relations and promote students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development:

• The academy is proud to have a very strong planned SMSC.
• We provide all students with opportunities to learn about the experiences and achievements of different communities and cultures.
• We ensure that the curriculum challenges racism and stereotypes.
• We organise celebrations and special events such as a European Languages Day.
• We take part in events such as Black History Month.
• The curriculum is supported by resources that provide positive images that reflect the diverse communities of modern Britain.
• The academy has a clear policy outlined on our website, to students and staff of our intolerance of bullying or harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity and culture. The policy outlines our procedures and measures to ensure that the victim and the bully are dealt with appropriately and clear steps to monitor the situation after the matter has been reported and dealt with.

Gender How we advance equality of opportunity:

• We monitor the attainment of all our students by gender.
• We take a “Which boys? Which girls?” approach to address underachievement: neither boys nor girls are treated as homogeneous groups.
• We set targets to improve the attainment and rates of progress of particular groups of boys and girls.
• We are identifying and addressing barriers to the participation of boys and girls in activities.
• We ensure that gender stereotypes in subject choices, careers advice and work/university experience are avoided.
• We ensure that young people have access to information about different sector workplace and occupations to challenge outdated images and ideas about careers and employment.
• Parents, carers, and families are given opportunities to contribute to the development, delivery and evaluation of the academy’s gender equality initiatives.
• Both male and female parents and carers are encouraged to be involved in the work of the academy and contribute to their children’s learning and progress.

How we foster good relations and promote students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development:

• The academy is proud to have a very strong planned SMSC.
• We ensure we respond to any sexist bullying or sexual harassment in line with the academy policies.
 • We encourage students to develop an understanding of the experiences of different genders in society and challenge sexism and negative stereotypes.
• Ensuring the inclusion of positive, non-stereotypical images of women and men, girls, and boys across the curriculum.

Religion and belief

How we advance equality of opportunity:

RE is studied as a timetabled subject for 1 hour a week in Years 7 to 9. The aim of our RE curriculum is to explore big questions about life, in order to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can make sense of religions and worldviews, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.

How we foster good relations and promote students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development:

• The academy is proud to have a very strong planned SMSC.
• Our curriculum, including RE, supports students to be accepting of one another’s lifestyles and beliefs, as well as exploring shared values.
• The RE curriculum enables students to develop respect for others, including people with different faiths and beliefs, and helps to challenge prejudice and discrimination. Through our curriculum we aim to develop student understanding of religions and world view so they can participate positively in a diverse society.
• We ensure we respond to bullying or harassment on the basis of faith and belief.
• We tackle prejudices relating to racism and xenophobia, including those that are directed towards religious groups and communities, such as antisemitism and Islamophobia.

Sexual orientation How we advance equality of opportunity:

• Diversity and inclusion are threaded through the curriculum. Books and resources include images of a range of different kinds of families.
• We have carefully considered how to appropriately integrate sexual orientation into the curriculum in a positive and constructive way, which enables both heterosexual and gay students to understand and respect difference and diversity.
• We ensure that gay, lesbian, and bisexual staff of staff feel comfortable, and are supported to be open about their sexual orientation.

How we foster good relations and promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development:

• The academy is proud to have a very strong planned SMSC.
• We support students to develop the skills to be confident learners and accepting of one another’s lifestyles and beliefs, through the PSHE curriculum and programmes.
• We use opportunities to talk about difference and different families to ensure all children, including those with gay and lesbian parents, feel included and know it’s alright to be different.
• All staff have received information and training in how to deal with homophobic language and how to work positively with different families.
• Posters and pictures around the academy are selected to reflect the full range of cultures that attend the academy.
• We work with positive role models to help reduce bullying, provide support, and make young people feel confident and comfortable.

Part 2: Our equality objectives

The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish specific and measurable equality objectives. Our equality objectives are based on our analysis of data and other information. Our equality objectives focus on those areas where we have agreed to take action to improve equality and tackle disadvantages.

We regularly review the progress we are making to meet our equality objectives. Equality objectives:

• Closing the attainment gaps between “groups” of learners, with a particular focus on gender and students with additional learning needs.
• To eradicate homophobic or derogative language.
• Ensuring the Flegg High Ormiston Academy recruitment processes openly encourage a diverse range of applicants and that applications are considered individually and comprehensively in order to ensure equality of opportunity.
• Adopting proactive measures to further develop in all Flegg High Ormiston Academy employees and students across the academy a culture and ethos that embraces diversity and recognises the need for equality.
• Ensuring Flegg High Ormiston Academy governors and staff are appropriately trained in equality and diversity such that they are empowered to support and encourage the value of fairness and difference in the academy and community they serve.
