Marking & Feedback

Verbal Feedback:
This is the most frequent form of feedback that teachers will use in lessons and will come in the forms of: delivery to the whole class; one to one discussion and via questioning. This feedback has immediacy and leads to direct student reflection and action. It will fall into two separate categories, achievement feedback and improvement feedback. This will provide an opportunity for a specific adaptation or response. Achievement feedback will reward students for the successes within their work and reinforce what success in the task looks like, the purpose of this will be to inspire and encourage students. Improvement feedback will identify where there are mistakes, misconceptions, or room for improvement in a piece of work and allow for students to address an issue, develop, or upgrade their work. There will be no expectation that there is written evidence of this feedback from the teacher. What would be expected is that students work shows that they are making progress, not repeating errors, and are having misconceptions addressed.

Peer/Self Feedback:
Peer and self-feedback build the necessary metacognitive and self-regulatory skills for our students to be independent and resilient learners. It allows for students to work collaboratively to see a variety of responses to the same task and reflect deeply on their own and others work. For it to be successful, however, it must be scaffolded carefully. Students must have clear guidance on how to assess with modelling to support their judgements. This will aid in training our students to regulate when working independently. During peer and self-feedback opportunities the teacher should monitor closely the quality of feedback to ensure that it is developmental and appropriate for the task.

Marking is one form of feedback and requires teachers to write on a student’s piece of work comments which allow them to develop what they are working on.  The marking of work should be (for both student and teacher) manageable, meaningful and motivating. It will be the teacher’s discretion as to where and when they feel a need to write on a student’s piece of work and as an academy our approach is for marking to be completed live in lesson wherever possible, so that it can be accompanied by instant reflection and revision by the student. One way that this will be used is to correct errors of literacy. Teachers will use the attached codes (appendix 1) to point out literacy errors within a piece of work and students will reflect and correct these in lessons. Another function of marking is for assessment. At least termly, teachers will assess the development of students’ skills and attach marks to these. It is likely that teachers use marking of assessments in conjunction with verbal feedback and peer/self-feedback so that the process is developmental as well as summative.

Reflection on Feedback:
After all forms of feedback students will be given the opportunity to reflect on and address the comments made. In the case of live marking this will happen as the task is taking place. However, after periods of more formal feedback green pen reflection time will take place. This should give the student the opportunity to address misconceptions; develop and upgrade their work and apply new knowledge. This time is important and integral to feedback being meaningful, so rather than being a bolt on, should be integral to classroom practice.

Marking for Literacy Codes

Sp: Error in Spelling
Cap: Error in Capitalisation
A: Missing or Misused apostrophe
P: Missing or Misused punctuation
^ : Missing word
//: Error in paragraphing
T: Incorrect/change of tense
? : Needs rewriting for sense