
Staff at Flegg High Ormiston Academy understand that the wellbeing of our students is key to their academic progress and is vital to ensure a happy and successful adult life. The Academy promotes the wellbeing of our students by offering a wide range of support for young people and their families. Examples of our support provision includes the following:

Support Provision

Our pastoral team offer appropriate support and signposting to students and their families.  This can be through meetings, home communication, and/or signposting to other support organisations, including mental health services and resources; CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection); The Matthew Project (a charity based in Norfolk and Suffolk working in innovative ways with adults, young people and communities affected by drugs and alcohol) and Nelson’s Journey (child bereavement help for Norfolk).

We have a number of staff who are first aid trained. They facilitate:

  • Health, development and behavioural advice and support to children, young people and their parents / carers on a range of issues.
  • Safeguarding vulnerable children and young people, which includes having close working relationships with Children’s Services, health services and other agencies working with children / young people and their families.
  • Providing Health Education support and advice to the Academy on a variety of themes, including diet, sex and relationships education and healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Supporting the Academy with health policies where appropriate.
  • Supporting children and young people who have medical needs requiring assistance in school, by providing advice and signposting to specialist services as appropriate.

At Flegg High Ormiston Academy, we have forged a supportive working relationship with MAP, who visit our Academy to work with referred students. MAP have a range of services available to our students, offering a unique combination of advice work, family mediation, youth work and counselling. They aim to have a positive impact on young people’s mental health and on their life experiences, and get students involved in the community.

MAP supports young people to be leaders, take on responsibilities and inspire other young people through a range of programmes and projects:

  • Youth Advisory Boards (YABs): MAP is the lead provider for six out of Norfolk’s seven Youth Advisory Boards, supporting young people to have a voice in their community and to ensure services and support for young people remain high on the agenda in local government.
  • Youth Action Groups (YAGs): Each YAB has a number of Youth Action Groups, created by and run by young people, with MAP’s support. The YAGs focus on specific activities and issues chosen by young people.

Counselling is an opportunity to talk to someone in private who is independent. The sessions provide a chance for students to talk about things that are bothering them – to express themselves in a non-judgmental, confidential space and includes counselling and advising young people about:

  • Anxiety.
  • Stress.
  • Support making difficult decisions.
  • Understanding and exploring thoughts and feelings.
  • Worries about home or school.
  • Positive activities.
  • Relationships.
  • Sexual health.
  • Sexuality.
  • Money.

Students, Teachers, Parents and Carers can find out more about any of MAP`s services by visiting the website: https://www.map.uk.net/

This is a youth team that operates in Norfolk with young people under the age of 25, regarding drugs, alcohol and other related issues. They visit schools, youth clubs and other youth social spaces across Norfolk to offer a creative, enthusiastic and dynamic approach to drug education. They aim to help young people understand the effects of drugs and alcohol, empowering them to make choices that are more informed.  Support is offered both to those with individual concerns about their own health, and those who may be affected by other key people in their lives that use drugs or alcohol.

Students, Teachers, Parents and Carers can find out more about any of THE MATTHEW PROJECT`s services by visiting the website: http://www.matthewproject.org/about-us/

This is a Norfolk charity that supports children and young people up to their 18th birthday that have experienced the death of a significant person in their life. They offer one to one support and opportunities to meet other children of a similar age who have also experienced bereavement.

Students, Teachers, Parents and Carers can find out more about NELSON’S JOURNEY by visiting the website: http://www.nelsonsjourney.org.uk/

Pastoral care at Flegg High Ormiston Academy is about encouraging learners’ personal and social development and fostering positive attitudes through the guidance of positive role models

Through the quality of teaching and learning; through the nature of relationships between students, teachers and other adults; through arrangements for monitoring and reviewing students’ overall academic performance; through specific pastoral structures and support systems; and through extra-curricular activities and the school ethos.

Working closely with learners and their families we will support all learners to achieve their potential and benefit from the full range of educational opportunities Flegg High Ormiston Academy has to offer.

Staff Roles

This person has the overview of your child’s academic progress and general welfare.

The tutor is the first point of contact for most issues. He/she will see your child every day. The tutor will check their equipment and uniform every day and will monitor that your child is ready to learn. He/she will play a key role in monitoring your child’s progress and helping your child to set targets for improvement. The tutor is the best person to sort out minor issues between your child and other members of the class and is able to liaise with other staff on your behalf.

As is clear from the title, this person teaches your child for one particular subject.

They are the best person to contact to discuss your child’s progress in that subject and issues such as homework in that subject.

Subject Leaders act as a Head of Department and take responsibility for managing the work of subject teachers within the department.

You should contact him/her if you wish to discuss issues relating to a particular subject and the subject teacher has been unable to help.

This person is responsible for leading a group of Form Tutors in each year group.

Their role is to monitor individual student progress across the curriculum and track the performance of groups of students. This may involve working with groups of students to raise achievement. They deal with social and emotional issues affecting your child’s progress. You should contact this person if you have general concerns about your child’s progress in a number of subjects and the Form Tutor has been unable to help. 

Liaison with families is a key part of the role. You should contact this person with any issues over progress.

The SENCO is person is responsible for ensuring that students with special educational needs are provided with the full support necessary to maximise progress.

The teaching assistants work under the Assistant Principal for SEND to support in-class learning and facilitate interventions to maximise student progress.

They are the best people to contact with issues relating to your child’s special educational needs.

We have a mental health specialist in school who offers a range of mental health support pathways to support anxiety, low mood and trauma.

There are 5 Pastoral Assistants working under the Assistant Principal for Behaviour and Attitudes. 

Pastoral Assistants deal with issues relating to attendance and punctuality, uniform, behaviour and general student welfare. Pastoral Assistants will liaise with Form Tutors and Year Leaders in order to support your child effectively. You should contact the Academy and ask to speak to a Pastoral Assistant if you have concerns about your child’s welfare.

There are 4 Assistant Principals and they are responsible for one of the key areas identified:

  • Teaching & Learning
  • Curriculum
  • Behaviour and Attitudes
  • SEND

There a 2 Vice Principals and they are responsible for one of the key areas identified:

  • Quality of Education
  • Inclusion

The Senior Principal has overall responsibility for quality and standards in the academy.

Contact Names

Mr S Gilbert-Barnham: Senior Principal
Ms V Stolworthy: Vice Principal – Quality of Education
Mrs E Pitcher: Vice Principal – Inclusion

Assistant Principals:
Mr D Guy: Curriculum
Mr T Pull: SEND
Mrs V Nelson: Behaviour and Attitudes
Mrs E Perrin: Teaching and Learning

Year Leaders:
Mr W Maclean: Year 7 Leader
Mr M Bending: Year 8 Leader
Mr M Hallam: Year 9 Leader 
Mrs B Nelson: Year 10 Leader 
Mrs A Williams-Barry: Year 11 Leader 

Pastoral Assistants:
Miss H Smith – Year 7
Miss L Fogden – Year 8
Miss T Martin – Year 9
Miss I Scott-Greenard – Year 10
Miss I Scott-Greenard – Year 11

Mr G Pitcher – School Counsellor